Dance & Learning Disability

Dance & Mental Health

Visual Arts & Learning Disability

Film & Learning Disability

Performance & Workshop

Walking & Talking

Yoga & Holiday


Adults (18+) Past Projects


We use all the aspects of the film-making process to work on technical, but also personal, social and transferable skills with the participants. For example:

Storytelling & Acting:
Exploring behaviour and identity in the safe context of a story. Dissociating characters from reality. Speech proficiency through vocal training. Memory through remembering lines and stories. Confidence in being in front of the camera. Perseverance and consistency.

Film-making process:
Exploring relationships through power structure that the film-making process offers; taking on different roles and responsibilities behind and in front of camera, negotiating decisions. Becoming familiar with the construction process of the film medium which constitutes a large part of participants’ cultural consumption. Distinguishing real from virtual. The importance of punctuality, planning, effective teamwork. Camerawork for practicing steady controlled movement.

We have also used our film-making sessions in the past to create positive interaction and relationships between participants and their local context including the local police force.

As with our other programmes, session-by-session reports are written on each participant and their performance marked against pre-set criteria decided either with them, where appropriate their guardians or the person referring them. Reports are shared with participants/guardians/referrers at the end of each term. Longer session-by-session reports can be shared with referrers by arrangement.